No Kill Step?
No Problem.
Nature’s Grain Guard™ organically reduces E. coli (STEC) and Salmonella contamination in flour and grain.

Bacteriophage /bakˈtirēəˌfāj/
from the Greek phagein, meaning to devour.
Nature’s prolific and highly targeted microorganisms found wherever bacteria exist.
As one of the most abundant and diverse microorganisms in the world, more than 100 million unique bacteriophages can be found in our food, our oceans, and our own stomachs. Also known as phages, these organisms are nature’s way of keeping bacteria in balance. Each strain of bacteriophage targets specific bacteria – with Nature’s Grain Guard utilizing specific strains that effectively treat E. coli (STEC) and Salmonella in a wide range of flour and grain products.
Target pathogens and concentrations based on your mill’s operational needs
Get the GRAS, organic, and other certifications a natural solution offers
Clean Label
Keep your labels – and your mills – clear of chemical treatments
Maintain the original properties and nutrients of flour, dough, and grain
Guard Against
the Growing Scrutiny
The old paradigm doesn’t hold: Flour is not the low-risk product consumers believed it to be, and foodborne illnesses from E. coli (STEC) and Salmonella are steadily ticking up. The source? Everything from incoming wheat and grain to outgoing flour, mixes, and raw dough. Millers can’t control how consumers are handling and consuming their products yet hold the responsibility for product safety in and beyond their mills. The stricter standards of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) have only upped the pressure, and millers are feeling the squeeze, stuck between the exorbitant costs of traditional treatments and the rising costs of recalls.
Contamination Quick Facts:
- Pathogens can survive from 12 weeks to 2 years
- Outbreak/recall events increased 7x between 2016 and 2019
- The average direct cost of a recall is $10 million

Bacteriophage Backed by
Lesaffre and Intralytix
For almost 170 years. In over 50 countries. With 10,700 employees. Lesaffre Yeast Corporation has worked hard to become an expert in the baking industry. Our passion for the infinite potential of microorganisms has helped us rise to the top with the best in yeast, sours, malts, bases, and more.
In everything we do, we take a partnership approach. Which is why we partnered up with Intralytix, the biggest 21 CFR 11/117 compliant cGMP manufacturers of bacteriophages in the U.S. With over 20 years of experience in phage product development – and with the largest patent portfolios for bacteriophage technology in the world – Intralytix is the premier biological food safety expert.
Together, Lesaffre and Intralytix are moving to protect consumers, ready to roll out your E. coli (STEC) and Salmonella prevention program.